I've mentioned him before, now is the time I tell you the story of The Big Old Dragon.
The Big Old Dragon was born 10,000 years ago in a tiny little stable in York.
When he was young he was famous for lots of nasty things, such as eating children, refusing to let people play games with him, breathing fire at any dragon who dared speak with him and sometimes calling people harsh names - "Fart face", "Idiot", "Smelly Breath".
He rose to power by killing lots of other dragons and terrorising humans. He was the nastiest dragon the Badgers had ever heard of.
He had a fondness for custard and gold. He used to collect all the custard he could find and he would hunt high and low for gold, destroying villages and communities just for a few extra coins or bars. The custard would be his downfall.
The day he met his match was the day when a particularly clever, little dragon, whose name is not known, told him to meet him at the top of Bluebell mountain, where there was a huge pile of custard. Of course, as we now know, Bluebell mountain was in fact Mount Vesuvius the volcano. So The Big Old Dragon followed him to the top of of Bluebell mountain and looked over the edge.
"I see no custard" he roared.
"Take a closer look" said the little dragon. The Big Old Dragon looked closer.
"There is nothing there, I will kill you for this" he shouted.
"No, special dragon" said the little dragon "You must go closer so that you feel you will fall over before you see the best custard the World has ever known".
Of course, The Big Old Dragon edged over and fell, sucked down by the power of the volcano and the lava. The screams were heard for 1000's of miles but nobody ever found his body.
So that's why people think The Big Old Dragon is still alive and haunts people all around the World.
Us badgers don't mind for we've been known to be quite dangerous ourselves. So, remember, if something funny happens in your house it might not be the dog, it might be THE BIG OLD DRAGON.